Maurice Dunn

Senior Pastor
Profile picture of Maurice Dunn

On March 1, 2023 the Gomer Congregational Church called Pastor Maurice (Mo) Dunn to be our pastor.

Pastor Maurice grew up around the Cincinnati area. He started college at Eastern Kentucky University where he was on the football team. He transferred and received his B.A. degree in Philosophy from the University of Cincinnati, in December, 1984. Maurice finished a Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky, in 1990. He was ordained as an elder in the United Methodist Church in 1993.

Pastor Dunn has served churches starting as a student pastor in 1986, then associate pastor in 2 churches and a lead pastor in 5 churches. Since 2019 he has served Ayersville UMC together with other parishes around the Defiance, Ohio area. On February 28, 2023 he became a retired United Methodist minister. 

He is married to Leanne, who he says will continue to be a help and asset in his ministry. They have 5 adult children, who all went to college. They also bring Gaither, their black labradoodle. Pastor Mo is an avid athlete and a coach at heart. He enjoys basketball, tennis and golf, just to name a few! As to his preferences for certain college and/or pro teams - that has not yet been determined!!!

In his resume, under Professional Summary Skills & Abilities he shared: “I have been an effective pastor for 37 years. Church members have often viewed me as their friend first, then a pastor. Jesus is my first love.

Successes in ministry flow from my relationship with God. I have studied the Bible since 1976, when I became an on-fire Christian. I have a servant’s heart and enjoy feeding and shepherding God's sheep. I lead by example. I strive to use my gifts and graces in all areas of pastoral service and leadership, and attempt to serve people of all ages.”

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